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RAD Festival Sponsor: $4,000

(one sponsorship available)

Sponsorship will be acknowledged with company logo:

1. on the and website footers which display on every page (expected views 3,000+);

2. in all digital festival program books (550+);

3. in direct mail (6000+);

4. In email marketing (10+)

5. on all marketing materials:

*postcards (1200+)

*social media sites (Facebook and Instagram)

6. on projected virtual backdrop displayed prior to each virtual performance

7. Short 15-20 sec. Commercial played before all events

8. on all 2021 RAD Festival SWAG (T-shirts etc.)

Festival Sponsor will also receive:

four complimentary festival passes, one complimentary digital program book ad (full page) for the 2021 season (1,000); verbal recognition at every event in the festival, access to RAD Festival VIP events (Artist Talk-Backs, etc.), Guest MC or host spots (introducing performances, etc.)

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RAD Day Sponsor: $2,000

(three sponsorships available)

Sponsorship will be acknowledged with company logo:

1. on the and website footers which display on every page (expected views 3,000+);

2. in all digital festival program books (550+);

3. on all marketing materials:

*postcards (1200+)

*social media sites (Facebook and Instagram)

*on projected virtual backdrop displayed prior to each virtual performance

4. Short 15-20 sec. Commercial played before day sponsored events

Day Sponsor will also receive:

two complimentary festival passes, one complimentary digital program book ad (half page) for the 2021 season (1,000), verbal recognition at every event in the festival, access to RAD Festival VIP events (Artist Talk-Backs, etc.)

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RAD Event Sponsor: $500

(six sponsorships available)

Sponsorship will be acknowledged with company logo:

1. on the and website footers which display on every page (expected views 3,000+);

2. in all digital festival program books (550+);

3. on projected virtual backdrop displayed prior to sponsored event

Event Sponsor will also receive:

two complimentary passes to sponsored event, one complimentary digital program book ad (quarter page) for the 2021 season (1,000), verbal recognition at sponsored event in the festival, access to RAD Festival VIP events (Artist Talk-Backs, etc.)

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RAD Mini-Sponsor: $100-$200

(unlimited sponsorships available)

Sponsorship will be acknowledged with company logo:

1. on the and website footers which display on every page (expected views 3,000+)

Mini-Sponsor will also receive:

access to RAD Festival VIP events (Artist Talk-Backs, etc.)